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San Luis Obispo Attractions

SLO Attractions


Deciding what to do in San Luis Obispo, CA? Don’t let size fool you! For such a quaint community, there are many things to do in San Luis Obispo County, a spot with a surplus of attractions and entertainment options to satisfy every desire.

Foodies can wallow in the ample variety of gastronomic options with an undeniably irresistible ambiance. History buffs can be amused by local landmarks like Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa and The Monday Club— or by taking a day trip up the PCH to Hearst Castle.

Meanwhile, art lovers can explore an ever-rotating array of exhibitions at the San Luis Obispo Museum of Art.

Wine lovers can head out to Edna Valley where they will be delighted by the bold varietals of our signature cool weather climate, while beer aficionados can keep closer to town for craft beer tasting. San Luis Obispo entertainment that the locals love involves movie theaters and lively nightlife – enjoy SLO’s unique charm by visiting well-known San Luis Obispo attractions like Bubblegum Alley and bustling farmers’ markets.

Looking for outdoor adventure? Go for a hike or take in beautiful water views at scenic spots like Lopez Lake! Visitors looking for a relaxing beach day can head to Pismo Beach or Avila Beach – and visit Avila Valley Farm on the way back for pony rides, ice cream and fresh fruits and vegetables.

The San Luis Obispo shopping scene is a unique experience in itself. SLO attractions include many locally-owned businesses with one-of-a-kind clothing and gifts throughout the city.

Come and explore the indisputable magic of San Luis Obispo, California through our plethora of attractions and entertainment in the heart of SLO CAL. Also, check out San Luis Obispo’s upcoming events.