What Are You Looking For?
The historic Monday Club building, with surrounding trees in San Luis Obispo

Celebrate 100 Years with the Monday Club During Open Doors California

Sunday, September 29, 11 am – 4 pm
The Monday Club
1815 Monterey Street, San Luis Obispo CA

This year marks a very special Doors Open California, as we recognize the Centennial Anniversary of The Monday Club! Join us Sept. 28-29, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for this annual tour highlighting some of the most remarkable architecture throughout California, including The Monday Club in beautiful San Luis Obispo.

Living history docent tours approximately every 30 minutes on Saturday and Sunday. Go back in time to the 1920’s and 30’s, while viewing the iconic architecture, murals and gardens of The Monday Club.

Saturday, September 28
11 am to 4 pm
11:00 am Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
11:00 am to 3 pm Living History Tours

Sunday, September 29
11 am to 4 pm
11:00 am – 1 pm Living History Tours
2 pm Educational Film Premiere “The Story of the Monday Club and the Women Who Built It” produced by Emmy award winner Robin Smith of Health and Harmony Media followed by a special presentation by Julia Morgan expert and author Victoria Kastner