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Cal Poly Presents: An Evening with Steven Canals

Thursday, February 23, 6 – 7:30 pm 2023
Performing Arts Center San Luis Obispo
Spanos Theater, 1 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo CA 93401


Come for a moderated discussion with Steven Canals, the Emmy-nominated and Peabody Award-winning co-creator, executive producer, director, and writer of the FX drama series POSE. A groundbreaking queer, Afro Latinx creator, Canals recently signed his ­first overall deal with 20th Century TV. Under his newly formed Story Ave. Productions banner, he is developing projects that represent diverse and inclusive voices, and stories of historically marginalized communities. Discussion to be followed by Q&A.

The Change the Status Quo Social Justice & Service Lecture Series hopes to empower attendees to use the Learn by Doing spirit to challenge social norms, ask critical questions, demand solutions and make lasting social change. Through a series of workshops each term and an inspiring keynote in the winter term, our hope is attendees will gain a new-found sense and understanding of social justice, take ownership of their role in effecting social change, and more mindfully serve their communities when equipped with the knowledge.

*This event is free for Cal Poly students, staff, & faculty and $15 for the general public. Tickets are required.